Kinerja Tinggi N-Methylol Acrylamide 98%
Acrylamide n-methylol kita 98% minangka senyawa multifungsi sing bisa digunakake minangka agen crossing lan digunakake ing modifikasi serat, pewarnaan, pewarnaan, pewarnaan plastik lan lemah. Aplikasi: Agen Linking Agen: 98% saka Acrylametyl) N- (Hydroxethyl) digunakake ...Waca liyane -
Produk kimia kinerja kanggo saben industri
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Produsen Acrylamide
Perusahaan kita spesialisasi ing produksi, manufaktur lan ekspor saka bahan kimia rantai rantai akradasi aktrasi; With an annual output of 100,000 tons of acrylamide, 100,000 tons of polyacrylamide, and 100,000 tons of furfuryl alcohol, we are one of the leading exporters in the industry. ...Waca liyane -
Asam iTaconic 99,6% min
Itaconic Acid 99.6% MIN Properties:Itaconic Acid (also called Methylene Succinic Acid) is a white crystalline carboxylic acid obtained by the fermentation of carbohydrates. Larut ing banyu, etanol lan aseton. Ikatan padhet sing ora jenuh ndadekake sistem konjugasi karo klompok karbonly. Iku ...Waca liyane -
Dhuwur aluminium aluminium dhuwur
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N-methylol Acrylamide 98%
N-methylol Acrylamide 98% CAS No. 924-42-5, rumus molekuler: C4H7NO2 Properties: Kristal putih. Iki minangka jinis monomer crosslink dhewe kanthi ikatan dobel lan klompok fungsi aktif. Indeks teknis: indeks item katon titik lebur kristal putih (℃) 70-74 konten (%) ...Waca liyane -
N, N'-methylenebisacrylamide 99%
N,N'-Methylenebisacrylamide 99% CAS No.: 110-26-9, Molecular Formula: C7H10N2O2 Properties: White powder, Molecular formula: C7H10N2O2, Melting point: 185℃; Kapadhetan relatif: 1.235. Bubar ing banyu lan pelarut organik kayata etanol, acelone, etc. Indeks Teknis: Indeks Item ...Waca liyane -
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Alkohol furfuyl lan bahan kimia sing ngarep
Our company cooperates with East China University of Science and Technology, and firstly adopts continuous reaction in kettle and Continuous distillation process for the production of Furfuryl alcohol. Kanthi reaksi kasebut kanthi reaksi kanthi suhu sing kurang lan operasi otomatis, nggawe ...Waca liyane -
Acrylamide lan Polyacrylamide
Acrylamide and Polyacrylamide Biological enzyme catalysts are adopted to produce Acrylamide, and polymerization reaction conducted at low temperature to produce Polyacrylamide, reducing energy consumption by 20%, leading the production efficiency and product quality in the industry. Acrylamide yaiku ...Waca liyane -
Acrylamide lan Polyacrylamide
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